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Oh JoeQuinn

Posted: 02-09-2008 06:35 PM
by HurricaneJoanie
where art thou?

Posted: 02-09-2008 07:19 PM
by Swerdloc
He was around yesterday, Joanie...

Posted: 02-09-2008 08:08 PM
by HurricaneJoanie
Oh, ok, Bill -- thanks. I usually see his name scattered about in the last posts area. Maybe it's me who is MIA. ;) :D

Posted: 02-09-2008 08:17 PM
by Swerdloc
I think he can be contacted, if need be.

Posted: 02-10-2008 12:17 AM
by HurricaneJoanie
Nah...just checking that my co-Pirates are all present and accounted for.

Posted: 02-10-2008 07:50 PM
by joequinn
I am alive, just like Osama Ben Ladin. It's just that I am hiding in my cave, preparing my next weapon of mass distraction. Just when you think it's safe to go back into the water, I will pop right up, like Bruce the shark... :D

Posted: 02-10-2008 09:22 PM
by HurricaneJoanie
Awaiting your next tactics, Joe... Watch out for rising water in that cave (I can't picture you in the dusty mountain crevices -- that would be wandering too far from the Good Ship FF)....

Happy Valentine!

Posted: 02-11-2008 08:39 PM
by cherry
For joequinn

Posted: 02-15-2008 05:04 AM
by Mal
joequinn wrote: I am alive,

No your not. Your make believe, like faries and unicorns and compassionate conservatives.:p

Posted: 02-15-2008 10:39 AM
by joequinn
No, Mal, I am very much alive. Just this morning I launched the following missile of mass distraction into a forum of rabid, rabid Obamabots. I'm a real tough bastard, Mal, and I cut my teeth in the culture wars of 2005 on The Fantastic Forum. I am definitely gonna burn, but like the phoenix, I shall rise again.

Here's my post. Can you imagine how it is going to be received by the Obamabots?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

There are moments in legislative history that reveal the legislators for what they are. As everybody knows by now, John McCain (AKA Cap'n Jack) openly voted (1) to reject the Feingold-inspired amendment to strike the immunity provision from the Telecom Immunity Bill, and (2) to support the final bill. In contrast, Hillary Clinton (AKA Lady Macbeth, after Burham Wood started moving toward Dunsane) was missing-in-action for both votes.

But the most interesting vote was Obama's. The Obamabots are screaming that Obama was present in the Senate to support the rejection of the immunity provision, which was defeated 61-37. This is quite true. But what is equally true --- and not being publicized by the Obamabots --- is that Obama did not vote to oppose the final passage of the bill itself, which was approved 69-28 and which now is on its way to the more feisty House of Representatives. The real bottom line is that neither Clinton nor Obama are on record as opposing the final Telecom Immunity Bill, while Cap'n Jack is joyously on record as supporting it.

Oh, how cunning Obama is! But people are getting wise to it. You just wait. One day, while the Obamabots are streaming their usual tears at his hope-n-change rhetoric, you are going to see the look in their dim-witted eyes change from rapt adoration to confused resentment. And then Obama will begin to learn the truth of the old Hindu proverb that “he who rides the tiger is afraid to dismount.” Boy, will that be fun to watch! Hell hath no fury like a fanbase scorned! Stay tuned, sports fans. The main action will be on, right after a brief commercial message... :D

Posted: 02-15-2008 10:52 AM
by ibme
joequinn, I hope your scenario is right.

Posted: 02-15-2008 11:29 AM
by joequinn
Update to my previous post: my post on the Telecom Immunity Bill was deleted from the forum and I was warned that if I continued to show disrespect to any of the supporters of the three candidates, I would be subject to a two-day suspension.

My reply: "delete and be damned!"

:D :D :D

Posted: 02-15-2008 11:56 AM
by joequinn
I have rewritten and resubmitted the post:

There are moments in legislative history that reveal the high intelligence and resolute moral purpose of our legislators. As everybody knows by now, the esteemed Senator John McCain openly voted (1) to reject the Feingold-inspired amendment to strike the immunity provision from the Telecom Immunity Bill, and (2) to support the final bill. In contrast, the esteemed Hillary Clinton was unfortunately detained by pressing campaign business from attending the vote.

But the most interesting vote was Obama's. The brave, courageous and committed followers of the esteemed Senator from Illinois are mentioning that Obama was present in the Senate to support the rejection of the immunity provision, which was defeated 61-37. This is quite true. But what is equally true --- and unfortunately, not being admitted loudly enough by the brave, courageous and committed followers of Senator Obama in their determination to be totally honest with the voters --- is that Obama did not vote to oppose the final passage of the bill itself, which was approved 69-28 and which now is on its way to the esteemed House of Representatives. The current state of affairs is that neither the esteemed Senator Clinton nor the esteemed Senator Obama are on record as opposing the final Telecom Immunity Bill, while the esteemed Senator from Arizona is equally, judiciously on record as supporting it.

Oh, how wise and full of foresight the esteemed Senator Obama is! All Americans must shortly begin to understand the depth and comprehensiveness of his political vision in the near future. You just wait. One day, while the brave, courageous and committed followers of the esteemed Senator from Illinois are attempting to get his message across to the masses, you are going to see just how complex their own sagacious political understanding has become. And then the esteemed Senator from Illinois will learn just how constructive it is to be challenged to even greater excellence by his own noble and wise followers. He will learn, as the Swahili proverb sagely informs us, that "it takes a village" to construct a viable candidacy. Indeed, such dynamism of mass political response will be fascinating to watch! Our very political system depends on such dynamism! Stay tuned, stalwart patriots. The curtain will rise on the next stage of our political redemption, just as soon as the primaries are completed... :D

Posted: 02-15-2008 07:34 PM
by joequinn
I got booted from the forum. I wonder why? :D

Posted: 02-15-2008 07:39 PM
by Swerdloc
joequinn wrote: I got booted from the forum. I wonder why? :D

You told the truth as you saw it. They couldn't handle that.