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How the United Passenger Suckered Us

Posted: 04-20-2017 10:42 AM
by Doka
"But part of the phenomenon long precedes YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and social media dictating the news. It's the American cult of victimization"

How the United Passenger Suckered Us

You’ve been snookered folks! By that poor elderly doctor who was involuntarily dragged from his seat, had his face smashed in, and was beaten unconscious by the evil airport security at the behest of United Airlines.

Because there’s no evidence any of that was true. It was in fact a premeditated temper tantrum gone viral, comprising one 69-year-old Vietnamese-American David Dao, a medical doctor who lost his license, planning a lawsuit from the moment United first politely asked him to give up his seat. He demanded to be dragged, did an excellent impersonation of Ned Beatty’s character in that horrific scene in Deliverance, and struck his lip on an armrest. From the many videos taken by numerous passengers, obviously from numerous angles, there’s no evidence of a beating, a “serious” concussion, or bodily damage beyond that lip.

Although some like the Huffington Post want us to ignore his sordid past as inconsequential or “blaming the victim,” it’s important that Dao in 1995 was charged with 98 felony drug counts for illegally prescribing and trafficking painkillers, sometimes in exchange for homosexual sex. (He’s married. To a woman.) That normally would get you identified as unreliable scum. He surrendered his medical license and even now is only allowed to practice internal medicine in an outpatient facility one day a week.

The Rest of the Story ... uckered-us

The Perfect Storm. Dim witted, business practices and a Professional Victim/Victimizer . Tell me there is no such thing as Karma? :?

Drama Queen Makes A Scene In Airline Snookering Scheme

Posted: 04-20-2017 11:33 AM
by Riddick
You’ve been snookered folks! By that poor elderly doctor who was involuntarily dragged from his seat, had his face smashed in, and was beaten unconscious by the evil airport security at the behest of United Airlines.

Because there’s no evidence any of that was true.
Wait, WHAT?? So, let me get this straight... the truth is, he was NOT dragged from his seat voluntarily? But he demanded dragging!!

Sound grounds for a lawsuit... In the Bizarro world

Re: How the United Passenger Suckered Us

Posted: 04-20-2017 02:24 PM
by Doka
Ha! What else ya going to do with a limp body? I don't know if you have ever noticed in the pictures of rioters or reruns of COPS, they are throwing insults, rocks, bottle bombs, but the minute a cop touches them, they go limp, and the cops have to drag them away, so while being dragged and having their nose removed on the side walk, the Law looks really bad.
Here is a story for you, a true story at that. We have one of the biggest Rodeos in the country every year, way back when it was wild and wooley . I was trying to get to work early one morning, heading on a side street to Main St.. but , there was about a 300 Lb person laying in the street, passed out, colder than a cumber and I could smell the booze from my open car window. I thought I did quite well protecting the idiot, by taking a lot of abuse from the people behind me, because they couldn't see the prone person in front of my car. Finally a cop shows up at my window and wants to know why I'm holding up traffic. I want tell you the passed out guy had to be really sore from being rolled to the side of street so no body would run over him . So what happens when you make others responsible for own actions? I'd say the Victim may not like the consequence. Self- proclaimed victims are very good at victimizing . Interesting to watch how this turns out in the trial. All the wrongs don't make anything Right.