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A Bunch Of Facts You Did Not Want To Know About Bugs

Posted: 05-10-2017 12:23 AM
by Riddick

Without bugs, our global ecosystem would break down yadda yadda yadda. But WOW, can they be terrifying. Mutant bees, bird-eating spiders, and the one pest you really need to watch out for. It’s a bug’s world, and we’re just living it.

If we’re going to be forever earth roomies, we humans need to know what creepy crawlies are out there and what they’re up to. It’s for our own good.

Working with Terminix, Digg has put together a list of facts you probably didn't want to know about bugs.

The Terminix insect extraordinaires know all about pests, how to avoid them, and what to do when they arrive on your doorstep. Besides shriek and hop on the nearest chair. FULL STORY