Search found 1066 matches

by Laird
08-18-2005 06:08 PM
Forum: Politics and Government Pre-2007
Topic: 911 Smoking Gun: Officer Says Military Blocked Sharing of Fi
Replies: 12
Views: 2389

yep, its all true history on this thread.
by Laird
08-18-2005 06:00 PM
Forum: Politics and Government Pre-2007
Topic: Gasoline prices soar in California: Speculator's doing it al
Replies: 26
Views: 3489

what I'm seeing is the move back towards public mass transit
which isn't good once your compare that to what happened last month in England.

Moped is the last bastion to economic freedom
by Laird
08-18-2005 05:41 PM
Forum: Politics and Government Pre-2007
Topic: Gasoline prices soar in California: Speculator's doing it al
Replies: 26
Views: 3489

I noticed the priced has climbed as of yesterday to match and pace dairy queen's regular zied mocha moolattees $2.74 here in Texas.
by Laird
08-18-2005 05:26 PM
Forum: Conspiracies/Black Ops
Topic: NASA's biggest lie to be exposed.
Replies: 705
Views: 138036

Wow, I made it back online but not through the last 150 posts after my pc landed in the other limits of cyberspace. I haven't a clue what's being discussed althought its never prevented me from posting. You all need to see it from my screen I can't make out the funny looking lettering on that visor....
by Laird
08-18-2005 05:26 PM
Forum: John Lear Archive
Topic: NASA's biggest lie to be exposed.
Replies: 712
Views: 215831

Wow, I made it back online but not through the last 150 posts after my pc landed in the other limits of cyberspace. I haven't a clue what's being discussed althought its never prevented me from posting. You all need to see it from my screen I can't make out the funny looking lettering on that visor....
by Laird
08-17-2005 12:37 AM
Forum: Conspiracies/Black Ops
Topic: NASA's biggest lie to be exposed.
Replies: 705
Views: 138036

I thought this was a topic for how man moved the orbit of the moon and not the lovely lady reflection found on Bean's face visor.
did I spell that right?
by Laird
08-17-2005 12:37 AM
Forum: John Lear Archive
Topic: NASA's biggest lie to be exposed.
Replies: 712
Views: 215831

I thought this was a topic for how man moved the orbit of the moon and not the lovely lady reflection found on Bean's face visor.
did I spell that right?
by Laird
08-16-2005 12:51 AM
Forum: Media Watch
Topic: National Geographic Channel Goes 'Inside 9/11'
Replies: 22
Views: 3756

after the release of the 911 calls this past week the one that
took my breath away was the fireman who radioed he heard and felt the explosion when the first tower came down.
by Laird
08-16-2005 12:31 AM
Forum: Conspiracies/Black Ops
Topic: NASA's biggest lie to be exposed.
Replies: 705
Views: 138036

Nutz I didn't finish reading pages 12 and 13 but I have the giest of this thread. Hey John, would it be faster if I sent you my orginial black and white slides from Apollo 11? I have some rather interesting ones dated August 69 ... that all have d3 on the right after the sequential number there awso...
by Laird
08-16-2005 12:31 AM
Forum: John Lear Archive
Topic: NASA's biggest lie to be exposed.
Replies: 712
Views: 215831

Nutz I didn't finish reading pages 12 and 13 but I have the giest of this thread. Hey John, would it be faster if I sent you my orginial black and white slides from Apollo 11? I have some rather interesting ones dated August 69 ... that all have d3 on the right after the sequential number there awso...
by Laird
08-13-2005 03:05 PM
Forum: Politics and Government Pre-2007
Topic: Feds Take Over Local Governments
Replies: 28
Views: 3936

this board has strayed off topic .... "GET BACK TO WORK"
is the new focus of the sneeky BUSHES regime.
by Laird
08-13-2005 02:55 PM
Forum: Technology
Topic: Experimental hybrids boast 250 MPG!!!
Replies: 4
Views: 1259

that looks like a high tech VW Bug ... wrapped around a mo-ped
by Laird
08-13-2005 02:41 PM
Forum: Conspiracies/Black Ops
Topic: NASA's biggest lie to be exposed.
Replies: 705
Views: 138036

I can do it in three words

Clinker Dagger and Petts
by Laird
08-13-2005 02:41 PM
Forum: John Lear Archive
Topic: NASA's biggest lie to be exposed.
Replies: 712
Views: 215831

I can do it in three words

Clinker Dagger and Petts
by Laird
08-12-2005 12:57 PM
Forum: Global
Topic: Pirates in the strait.....
Replies: 5
Views: 1455

I'm betting that Putin will enter into a joint venture with China
for exploration and export.

The higher cost of insurance for those huge floating tankers
is erroding our pockets while the Saudi's laugh.

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