The Most Interesting Ham on the Radio

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The Most Interesting Ham on the Radio

Post by voguy » 01-03-2016 11:15 AM

He can send CW at speeds faster than the mind can comprehend. His log is hand written on parchment paper with gold columns. When he says "is this frequency in use", all others go QRT. When he works 20-meters, the over the horizon radars shut down out of respect. He has been known to request auroral events at will. His tubes never seem to age. His audio is cleaner than a classical music FM radio station. Collins Radio will reopen a factory for him and custom build his equipment. The sun will postpone solar flairs on days he wishes to operate.

He is, the most interesting ham on the bands.
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Post by Dude111 » 11-12-2016 04:33 AM

Hehe who is he??

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Re: The Most Interesting Ham on the Radio

Post by Riddick » 11-12-2016 06:28 AM

Dude111 wrote:Hehe who is he??
Dos Equis Man? ... PR2016.pdf ( Page 8 )

But seriously, Dude, your guess is as good as mine. Let's remember to ask VO if he knows the guy's name and/or ham handle when he comes back from South America
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Post by Dude111 » 06-09-2019 04:11 PM

I can send CW muxh faster than I can recieve it!! (I think we are all like that)

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