Sunday Funnies
Moderator: Super Moderators
Temporary Sunday Funnies Suspension
Due to a severe case of sleep depravation that makes one weak, a one week ho-ho hiatus is in effect. We do not apologize for any disappointment this may cause 'cuz today's ha-has are here for the having. Otherwise you'll just have to wait till next Sunday. Ciao!
Another Week, Another Delay
Due to foreseen circumstances within my control, Sunday Funnies will remain suspended for one more week. (Hey, what can I say? To party hearty takes a toll | Tis the season donchaknow.) Meanwhile you can getcher fix you know where.
Re: Sunday Funnies
BTW Pardon my hearty partyin' these last couple weeks. (Holiday fun can be addictive!)
Egg Nog on my face! Too much going on so there'll be a slight delay but never fear, Sunday Funnies will be coming your way, just not today, so toon in tomorrow - Meantime, Have a Great Xmas Eve 'k?