Alien Abduction / History of UFOs

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Alien Abduction / History of UFOs

Post by Doka » 11-20-2023 09:53 PM

This is a really good, thoughtful show. A noted Ph.D comes out of the the UFO closet

About the show

Bruce Rapuano joined George Knapp in the first half to discuss his lifelong experiences with alien abduction and theories about the alien agenda. Rapuano – who holds a Ph.D. in neuropharmacology, and has authored, or coauthored thirty scientific articles in peer-reviewed medical journals – had never discussed his abduction experiences with family or friends before releasing his book. He told Knapp he hoped going public about his own abduction experiences would encourage other scientists who had seen UFOs or been abducted to come forward, and those who hadn’t to look at these experiences objectively. Rapuano's experiences included a childhood UFO encounter where he remembered his playmates seeming frozen as he moved around for a better look, but at least one of them remembered him disappearing for a period of time.

Rapuano said that many abductees, like himself, report having genetic material collected, which could be used for in vitro fertilization type experiments. He said this doesn’t necessarily mean the creation of alien/human hybrids, but could be the editing of human genes, and the creation of transgenic humans. These transgenic humans could then introduce those edited genes into the wider population through natural reproductive means. He also said he believes implants, particularly like the one he has in his nose, are attempts to monitor brain activity and “understand human neurophysiology.”

Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities': Voltaire

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Re: Alien Abduction / History of UFOs

Post by Malaria_Kidd II » 11-20-2023 10:07 PM

I saw that show highlighted and it looks like I missed a good one.

Gene manipulation can be good but the how and the why is yet to be explained in full.

Then there's the bad side that should be explained in full.😉 And neither ain't happenin' any time soon.👽 🖐

Thanks Doka!👌


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