How The Free World Abandoned Hong Kong

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How The Free World Abandoned Hong Kong

Post by Riddick » 12-21-2024 04:44 PM




Beijing has reneged on promises and launched a repressive crackdown on what was once one of Asia’s freest & most open cities. Even before Xi Jinping came to power, & moreso in the past 5 years, warning signs were flashing for anyone paying attention.

Is any of this what Margaret Thatcher signed up to in the Great Hall of the People forty years ago? Over the past several decades, Britain — and the entire free world — has been profoundly naive in its foreign policy towards China under the CCP.

The problem is successive governments have, ostrich-like, chosen — with remarkable dexterity — to bury their heads in the sand, stick their fingers in their ears and cover their eyes to the CCP’s intensifying repression at home and aggression abroad.

That naive belief China could be Britain’s friend, or at least a reliable trading partner, instead of what it is — the most significant threat to British security and freedoms — is exposed by the recent debacle over Prince Andrew’s Chinese spy friend.

The fact a senior CCP agent could penetrate Buckingham Palace, St. James’s Palace and Windsor Castle through the hapless stupidity of the Duke of York illustrates the “epic scale” of Beijing’s espionage and the sheer gravity of the threat China poses.

The CCP's ambitions to infiltrate, intimidate and influence every aspect of our society are absolutely real - No deal with murderous tyrants is worth the paper it is written on - No agreement with barbaric Communist dictators can ever be relied upon.

In the Sino-British Joint Declaration China's CCP regime promised to respect a “high degree of autonomy” for Hong Kong and uphold the territory’s way of life, including basic freedoms and rule of law for at least fifty years from the time of the handover.

They lied — or at least, broke their promises. Forty years on, Xi Jinping has trampled on Hong Kong, dismantling almost all freedoms, undermining the rule of law and unleashing a takeover of the city that leaves it an autonomous region only in name.

Earlier this month, a group of British pols found some spine and stood up to China’s CCP regime. They woke up and rejected the naivety of the past four decades. They realized no matter how charming Beijing’s agents may be, they can never be trusted.

Forty years on from the shameful trust we placed in the hands of the liars — and butchers — of Beijing, it is time to rediscover our values, recover our nerve, stop kowtowing and stand up once again against tyranny.

A mind should not be so open that the brains fall out; however, it should not be so closed that whatever gray matter which does reside may not be reached. ART BELL

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