11 March 2011: Trish MacGregor

Dreamland ~ Whitley Strieber. Whitley has investigative reporters of edge science, ufos, ancient archeology and the weird and unusual - Anne Strieber

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11 March 2011: Trish MacGregor

Post by Swerdloc » 03-11-2011 12:20 PM

The Secrets of Synchronicity

Trish MacGregor knows the secrets of synchronicity and what they mean. A synchronicity is a coming together of inner and outer events in a way that is meaningful to the observer but can't be explained by cause and effect.

Synchronicities can be simple, or incredibly complex and layered. But what do they mean? There's a first step: learning to recongize the many synchornicities. Then a second: understanding the why of it all. Don't miss this enlightening interview.

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For Unknowncountry.com Subscribers

Trish MacGregor on Life's Hidden Plan

Anne Strieber begins this discussion with commentary on a remarkable film she has just seen called "The Adjustment Bureau" and asks the question: Does synchronicity mean that our lives are designed, and if so, by whom? After Anne's stroke in 2004, she woke up from a coma into a life that was so filled with synchronicities that she began to feel as if it was like a jigsaw, and her role was to wait for the next piece to be put in place. Does this mean that our lives are pre-planned? At the end of the interview, Trish reveals one of the most extraordinary personal UFO experiences you will ever hear.
Last edited by Swerdloc on 03-11-2011 04:43 PM, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 11 March 2011: Trish MacGregor

Post by Malaria_Kidd II » 01-10-2025 04:49 AM

Here's a brief new video of Whitley's interview about his long anchored ear Alone implant!😎

The last post under the Duke's last post is mine.

https://twitter.com/DukeOnDemand/status ... 69625?s=19

Now I will go to Trish's link to see if it is active.

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Re: 11 March 2011: Trish MacGregor

Post by Riddick » 01-10-2025 03:05 PM

So, how was the coffee break? OBTW, in the 'Interesting Picture from WW-II' thread, aside not noting "Now I will go to Trish's link to see if it is active", I see you submitted an identical entry about a half hour later -

Can you help me out? I have to admit I'm too dense to see the necessity behind that 2nd post. Unless all it is is the logic of "More Is Better" - Or a result of overstimulation from downing too much java? Or both?

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