I don't think I'll complain about 20* and some sun!

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kbot wrote: I know that the article cites records going back to the 1870s, but Boston was settled in the 1620s, and many old almanacs still exit in libraries. So, I'm wondering, is this THE record going back nearly 400 years?
Boston Gets More Snow, Inches Closer To Record
Talk about gluttons for punishment: Bostonians buried beneath more than 8 feet of snow suddenly are clamoring for a little more so they can boast of a new record.
The 1.6 inches of snow that fell late Tuesday into Wednesday puts the city just a smidgeon over 2 inches away from setting an all-time snowfall mark. So far this winter, it’s gotten 105.5 inches, according to National Weather Service measurements taken at Logan International Airport.
The record is 107.6 inches recorded during the 1995-96 season. Records date to 1872.
http://www.wbur.org/2015/03/04/boston-n ... now-record
I've read accounts of historic storms and gales that occurred before official records were kept by the government, and am just wondering how this winter stacks-up against other years...... We have more snow in the forecast, so the 1995/ 96 record will fall. Just a matter of when......
Fan wrote: In Quebec we broke the record for coldest February this year.
kbot wrote: Not surprised. Down here we watch the weather up north because many times it'll swing south towards us - and when we're looking at the temps all we can think of is "Holy crap!!!!!!"
Don't know how you guys do it up there.....
kbot wrote: Have some cousins over in the Eastern Townships in the Sherbrooke/ Stoke area. I'd like to go back to visit someday but haven't had the chance. I'd LOVE to go to Quebec for the winter festival sometime........
Raggedyann wrote: I have no heat on today and my windows are open. Trees and bushes are in full bud. The birds are building nests and no cold weather is in the forecast over the long term. Feels like we have had spring here for months.