“Trust the experts,” we the peasants are exhorted by the governing authorities in all matters at all times – common sense, intuition, individual judgment be damned!
Me: Coming out of their collective closets some months back. The number of 1,100 esteemed scientists debunking this climate change hoax started growing. Then the next number was 1,400 and now it's a whopping 1,600!
Ok! If all of them are signing a declaration denouncing the Woke acting as alarmists.
Where is that news on MSN? Where is the parchment paper with their signatures?
If it's a fact I believe every one of them!
But we can't laugh at the long brainwashed children, now adult
etc., who are shutting down our coal fired power stations just like Germany has done, now regrettably?
Pro coal energy **folks and coal miners are just too few in numbers to stop this insanity.
Let's see if our new R president can undo what our present POTUS did to change what Old Sole has done for 4+ billion years.
To the Democrats our nations fiat dollars are infinite on their computer screens!
https://www.theburningplatform.com/2023 ... ange-hoax/
Our life giving Star and equally generous Earth are unchangeable in Nature's game plan.
Geo-engineering by man is SNAFU according to Dane Wigington! Just look at flooded New York City and New England's rain totals this weekend!🌧🌧 There could be another 9 to an unbelievable 14 inches more rain Sunday!
**Yesterday morning myself and a few more retired volunteers cut brush and saplings to clear hiking trails at the 20 year old Patoka River NWR. We were on a beautifully reclaimed former Peabody Columbia Coal Mine from where I trucked coal from safely in 13 of my total 55 safe years driving big wheels. The vast majority of the saplings were young, prolific sprouting Bradford pear trees distributed widely by song birds.
There's just one example of Mother Natures never ending changes to consider that are unstoppable! Where She, the Sun and Earth have a will for changing where we live? There ain't nothin' we can do to about it! 🌬
My signature below stays put! That is our biggest concern, unlike the dems BS, for man made climate change excluding the Woke among us. That are EXACTLY like the pooping seeds bird brains that they are!🌡