Where We Are And what we are facing.

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Re: Where We Are And what we are facing.

Post by Riddick » 12-24-2020 12:53 PM

lisa colorado wrote: 12-24-2020 12:22 PM Yep. One thing that's going on is, the nastiness is all showing now.
You said it! The level of sheer, irrational hate is stunning.

Compared to the nastiness Dems manifest Scrooge is a pussy cat
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A USA Made In China?

Post by Riddick » 12-27-2020 06:31 PM

Edited & Excerpted from Andrea Widburg at American Thinker:

One of the problems facing freedom-loving Americans is the immensity of what’s happening today. The pieces got into position so incrementally, we never noticed. Still, there they are: The left controls education, the media, corporate America, and large numbers of powerful politicians, including many Republicans.

To define terms, when talking of the left, we're talking of people with some overarching shared values. They have disdain for our Constitution, which they view as either a dead letter or a "living" document that can be interpreted to mean everything but what it actually says.

They worship Nature with an irrational fervor not seen since pre-modern pagans made way for the Judeo-Christian doctrine they despise. They see humans – especially those who won't fall into line – as parasitical organisms destroying Gaia. “Scientists” are their clergy, and human sacrifice, via the mechanics of the GND, is their goal.

Modern leftism's hallmark is its war on reality. Of all the chilling parallels between Orwell's 1984 & today's America, the most damning is its insistence we abandon facts & reason for Doublethink: Its denial of the law of contradiction.allows preposterous claims like the COVID pandemic renders church services too dangerous to allow, while massive protest marches are fine.

It all came together when China sent us a virus & politicians – mostly Democrats but also GOP monopartiers – went to work destroying our economy & America's small business backbone, ensuring unprecedented sums of money went to corporations that work with the government (whether Walmart or Facebook), isolating us from each other, censoring our discourse, and putting the finishing touches to a decades-long attack on election integrity.

We're in a "made in China" world in 2020, one with rapidly decreasing prosperity and liberty. It’s a world in which our leaders, for fame and money, or in response to being blackmailed, sold us out to a communist nation that steals our tech & jobs, drugs our citizens, exports disease, and spreads oppression and despair wherever it goes. We know this – and a video sums it all up –

As "elites" work to shepherd us into a sinicized world, we are at a crisis point and left confused and angry. But sometimes, there is a voice in the wilderness. The relatively unknown YouTube personality Seth Holehouse made a powerful video re-broadcast on Twitter by the President. Spend 18 minutes watching it & ponder long & hard on where we are now & what we can do:

We’re less hardy than our nation's forebearers, but that doesn’t mean our fighting spirit is dead! As more and more of us find the will to rise up & oppose lockdowns and business shutdowns and other infringements on our freedoms, we'll see the enormous power generated by liberty-seekers refusing to bow down to tyranny.
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Lockdown Love, Stalinist Savagery & Small Business Dekulakization

Post by Riddick » 12-30-2020 06:01 AM

Who says it can't happen here? The productive peasant purge has already begun! No firing squads... yet (if they come you may get a blindfold but for sure no ciggie -It's bad for your health)

'Collectivism Is NOT Optional'
Edited/Excerpted from Richard Jack Rail at American Thinker:

Why does the left stick with shutdowns when it's clear that they destroy small business? Simple. That's the signature of communists consolidating their power.

When the Bolsheviks took over in 1917 Russia, they went around killing off anyone who questioned them in the slightest. The peasants rebelled, ushering in the War Communism period. The Red Army took all their grain and foodstuffs so there wasn't even anything to plant for the following year. Famine ensued.

In response, a few years on Lenin declared his New Economic Policy, which allowed limited capitalism. The economy roared back, led by the so-called kulaks, the ablest peasants who knew how to run farms successfully and who prospered when turned loose. Stalin would consider them traitors to the revolution for not giving it their literal all. His revenge would be savage.

In 1929, Stalin went after the kulaks in his first five-year plan. He instituted a policy of dekulakization to get rid of these people, who had provided not only food, but also jobs for millions. Stalin collectivized them out of existence. The kulaks themselves would be shot, either in the countryside where they lived or following show trials to make the point publicly that collectivization was not optional.

Predictably, the economy stalled, the country starved. Millions died. Fast forward to today — Small businesspeople are America's kulaks, the independent men & women with ideas and the energy and determination to make something out of nothing — so long as the government, by force, doesn't stop them.

That is precisely what the shutdowns are all about. Democrat governors are engaged in the dekulakization of American small business. It isn't that they don't see what's happening; on the contrary, too many (think Whitmer, Newsom) see exactly what's happening and are chuckling.

The consequences have yet to explode onto the national consciousness, but expect what happened in Russia almost exactly a century ago to happen here, and prepare for it.
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What A Stalin Quote About Rigging Elections Reveals About The 2020 Election

Post by Riddick » 12-30-2020 10:24 AM

As Republicans began pushing back against the rigged election, a quote about voting from Joseph Stalin began circulating on social media. "The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything," is how variations of it went.

As soon as the quote went viral, the media’s fact checkers tried to suppress it.

USA Today's fact checker rated it as false, claiming Stalin never said it based on speaking with two Vanderbilt University history professors who vowed they never heard of it. But had the ‘fact checker’ and the professors just checked Oxford's Essential Quotations, they would have found it. You don’t need a PhD or a fact checker title: just a modicum of integrity.

Politifact was more ambitious about humiliating itself by contacting the Russian State Archive. The quote wouldn't be there because it comes from Stalin's former secretary, who fled the USSR and wrote a memoir exposing the Soviet regime's crimes and corruption. Asking the Russian State Archive for that quote is like asking the cosa nostra to fact check a mafia informant’s recollections.

There is of course a very good reason for suppressing the Stalin quote because it does apply all too well to the election. And there’s a profound sense of history repeating itself in the media trying to suppress a Stalin quote about using the media to suppress an election.

Because that is exactly what Stalin did.

The New York Times, the Washington Post, USA Today, CNN, and the rest of the tottering infrastructure of the media exist to manufacture partisan narratives to secure political power. Like their Stalinist counterparts, they invert the meaning of terms so that ‘fact checking’ becomes suppressing facts, and the more they lie, the more they claim to stand for the truth.

If the media knew anything about history, it would not only have been able to verify the Stalin quote, but it would also know that what it’s doing is a bad idea that can only end badly.

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Batman Has A Question

Post by Riddick » 12-31-2020 11:17 AM

Doka wrote: 12-22-2020 10:07 PM What?! And have to give up some of that $25 million for “gender programs” in Pakistan.!
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Re: Where We Are And what we are facing.

Post by Doka » 12-31-2020 01:59 PM

Stalin Quote:

. "The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything," i
It is a true and correct Quote. We are already starting to experience the "Consequences", apparently it is going to take a great deal of "Pain" for the "Haters" to get a clue. Like the Chinese Army knocking at your door. Or those who have homes as their most prized posession, watch as it is being taken from them, simply, because the are the wrong color. And they voted for this , proudly. A real bitch, when you find out you have been tought to hate The Wrong Guy! FREE WILL and NO BRAINS, Is the best bomb of mass destruction ever built :roll:

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We Are Facing Unprecedented Corporate Tyranny In America

Post by Riddick » 12-31-2020 09:59 PM

Voices from the left and the right are beginning to realize where the real power lies --- and it's one unconstrained by the Constitution. FULL STORY

Without Our Constitution, We're Under Occupation

If the Constitution's protections for each American's individual rights can be suspended every time a government bureaucrat declares an emergency, then we have no protections at all.
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Tucker Carlson: "Our Only Option Is To Fix What's Causing This"

Post by Riddick » 01-07-2021 11:38 PM

Full 1/6 show segment transcript & embedded video here - Following excerpt starts at 3:27

Democracy is a pressure relief valve. As long as people sincerely believe they can change things by voting, they stay calm. They don't burst into the House chamber. They talk and they organize and they vote. But the opposite is also true if people begin to believe that their democracy is fraudulent, that voting is a charade, that the system is rigged and it's run in secret by a small group of powerful, dishonest people who are acting in their own interests. Then, God knows what could happen.

Actually, we do know what could happen, because it's happening right now. It's happened in countless other countries over countless centuries. And the cycle is always the same because human nature never changes.

"Listen to us!" scream the population.

"Shut up and do what you're told," say their leaders.

In the face of dissent, the first instinct of illegitimate leadership is to crack down on the population, but crackdowns never make it better. They always make the country more volatile and more dangerous. The people in charge rarely understand that. They don't want to, they don't care to learn or listen because all of this conversation is a referendum on them and their leadership. So they clamp down harder.

This is the Romanov program, and it ends badly every single time. But that doesn't mean they won't try it again. Of course they will, because it's their nature. It's how we got here in the first place.

Millions of Americans sincerely believe the last election was fake. You can dismiss them as crazy. You can call them conspiracy theorists. You can kick them off Twitter. But that won't change their minds. Rather than trying to change their minds, to convince them and reassure them that the system is real, that democracy works -- which you would do if you cared about the country or the people who live here -- our new leaders will try to silence them.

What happened Wednesday will be used by the people taking power to justify stripping you of the rights you were born with as an American: Your right to speak without being censored, your right to assemble, to not be spied upon, to make a living, and to defend your family.

These are the most basic and ancient freedoms that we have there. They're why we live here in the first place. They're why we're proud to be Americans. They're what make us different, and they're all now in peril.

When thousands of your countrymen storm the Capitol building, you don't have to like it. We don't. You can be horrified by the violence, and we are.

But if you don't bother to pause and learn a single thing from your citizens storming your Capitol building, then you're a fool, you lack wisdom and self-awareness, and you have no place running a country. We got to this sad, chaotic day for a reason.


Perhaps What Happened Yesterday Wasn't So Surprising

Condoning escalating leftist resistance and violence for four years and then telling conservatives to shut up was a recipe for disaster.

Anti-America Americans Are Synergizing Again
Anarchists will be empowered significantly going forward. Sophocles recognized, “there is no greater evil than anarchy.” America needs to figure that out -- soon!

The Anarchy Started In 2016 When Democrats Renounced Democracy
It wasn’t just Trump who was illegitimate, it was the whole itself, the dissidents argued. Democrats sowed the wind but are now reaping the whirlwind.
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Riddick's Friday Morning Rant

Post by Riddick » 01-08-2021 08:16 AM

Where's America at? Not in a good place, I reckon. ('Course, that's just MHO. Your mileage may vary.) We're far from finding common ground if that's even possible, and I place blame for that squarely on Dems' preferred way of "fixing" things.

I believe what's behind the pompous bloviating to the point of absurdity on the Left is a belief doing so will drown out anything & everything it construes as false. It's not to relate or to heal - what it is is just a long-winded way to say STFU.

In true 'Good German' fashion, what Dems are ultimately striving for is not just to silence but to insult, harass & intimidate folks who don't buy into their contrived narratives into giving in or up - Options are Be Woken or Be Broken - Choose!!

Nothing is up for discussion. Woke norm deviations are not to be tolerated. Reject the false promise of critical thinking & accept the infinite wisdom of the Collective! Don't be flyover country foolish! Do trust the MSM, & NEVER, EVER question it.

As personal judgments are fundamentally faulty & unreliable, only full release from the burden of making your own decisions will set you free: When the group makes up your mind for you? Life will change both for the better and for the greater good.

Sounds good don'it? If "too good to be true" comes to mind that's just the kind of negativity deplorables engage in. If you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem - "Get wise! Paradise awaits! We gotcher Koolaid rite cheer folks..."

Call me a stubborn flyover country deplorable, but I'll pass - Jim Jones, Joe Biden? Same difference. Sorry Woke folk, you can keep up your socialist worship crap all you want but I'll never shut up, give in or up and be party to national suicide.
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Re: Where We Are And what we are facing.

Post by Doka » 01-08-2021 12:45 PM

The Reset is here.Now!

World Economic Forum Presents: The Great Reset—"You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy."

What We Gave The Democrats - What They Will Now Give Us

January 8, 2021

Now that the Democrats have won they, in league with the World Economic Forum (WEF/Globalists), have big plans for all of us. They will begin their program of a one-world government. Someone else will decide where you live, the size of your family, your occupation, your happiness. You will no longer make your own decisions. They think you’ll screw up anyway.

After all, it’s for the greater good. If you live in a rural or near rural area, you will be displaced. They want everyone living in cities. They want to give back the land to the animals. Small business will no longer be. What a coincidence, COVID-19 has already begun that. They will use the panic and fear of COVID and climate change as a tool to reshape the world’s economies. Contrary to what you were told, our lives will never return to normal. The Great Reset is already widely advertised in Europe.

A new totalitarian world government called The Great Reset

We tried to tell you for years, but some of you were not listening. The elites will, of course, keep everything they OWN.

The next Davos meeting will not be in January this year, nor will it be in Davos. It will be in May, in Lucerne. The WEF, the UN, the International Monetary Fund, heads of state, zillionaires like Bill and Melinda Gates, Prince Charles, Soros, Big Tech and connected corporations will be in attendance to introduce a new totalitarian world government called The Great Reset.

Oh, I forgot, it will be a combination of Marxism/fascism to its very core. All the past dictators and mass murderers who tried before didn’t do it quite right, but there will be peace on earth and good will everywhere. Isn’t that nice? And don’t worry, Biden will not be President for long. Oh, and China will no longer want to dominate the world. You believe that, don’t you?

The Democrats have worked hard to get this far, let’s disappoint them.

Article/ Comments/Video https://youtu.be/4zUjsEaKbkM https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/11/ ... ange-2030/

https://canadafreepress.com/article/wha ... ow-give-us

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Re: Where We Are And what we are facing.

Post by Doka » 01-08-2021 01:15 PM

My News Sources are dissappearing as I type this. I have "Something" on my tablet, trying to destroy it. I will keep it at bay as long as I can. Be aware of what you download or upgrade! We are surrounded by lies, easy enough for the Kbots and Raggedies they, are already "Kool Aid" trained. Pure Proaganda for all.


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Re: Where We Are And what we are facing.

Post by Doka » 01-08-2021 01:38 PM

Now this is a strange Video....That is a very deliberate display if that red folder
As near as posters can tell , this was filmed Jan 6th,

Lordy, I'm going back to bed and getting up again in 2036. :shock:


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Re: Where We Are And what we are facing.

Post by Raggedyann » 01-08-2021 03:57 PM

Such maudlin threads this past few days. Arrrg, it's the end of the world!

Now you know how all of us sane people felt the day Trump was elected. :wave:
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Re: Where We Are And what we are facing.

Post by Doka » 01-08-2021 08:41 PM

Raggedyann wrote: 01-08-2021 03:57 PM Such maudlin threads this past few days. Arrrg, it's the end of the world!

Now you know how all of us sane people felt the day Trump was elected. :wave:

Hey Ra do me a favor and go look out your window and see if you notice anything "Unusual". Word is the Chinese have offered to help get "Chinese Joe" in office. By invitation of your PM of course. Strategically and Logistically the Island you are on is the best way in. Not sense WW 11 has it been used in that capacity. As of to day it is still the best entry. I don't think the Russians would allow entry from the North, could be wrong on that one. And with today's "Stealthy Stuff"pretty easy. And every body Is So Busy with the "Hate Trump" Campaign, who in the Is going to bat an eye at a couple hundred thousand Chinese hidden behind masks, shoot, their was that many or a lot more than that in DC on Wednesday. Actually, with the "Hate Trump" distraction, they could fly a good many in to Reagan or Dulles with masks on who is going to pay attention?

This "Rule the World" thing has been planned for decades, with many "Players" , They have Never been this Close.
The Chinese have Billions if not Trillions invested in The Democrats in our current, situation, helping with the voter fraud, Calf. Senator with a Chinese Spy for over 20 years, Democrap Senator sleeping with a Chinese Spy for a couple years,not to mention the lucritive Gov. Contracts handed out, then the Stinker of all Stinkers , Mitch McConnel, taking Millions, From Chinese Wife's , Chinese Mogul, Daddy giving all the Power to the Dems. The Biden Puppet Masters are not going to let anything happen to their New Control even inviting A Chinese occupation is NOT BEYOND THEM. And the Chinese certainly know a good thing when offered.

Low and behold as I am looking at McConnel's Very Chinese Wife Elaine Chao,who has been U.S. Secretary of Transportation since (2017–Suddenly Resigned Yesterday January 7, 2021.!WOW! I can tell you Elaine, ain't afraid of nothing , except maybe getting Caught! Her good friends the Obama's and those of the Obams administraition. More Puzzle!

Tell me this would be anymore crazy than what's going on?

Back to you Ra, let us know when Trudeau, puts on a Chinese Emperor Costume.

Now Back to you Regular Scheduled "Hate Trump" Episode. YAWN!

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The Greatest Show On Earth??

Post by Riddick » 01-09-2021 01:41 AM

Doka wrote: 01-08-2021 08:41 PM Now Back to you Regular Scheduled "Hate Trump" Episode. YAWN!
Broken record much? Even after the 20th we'll never hear the end of it. It's like a 24/7/365 TDS cable channel - "All Foaming At The Mouth, All The Time" - and right now they're having a field day promulgating their contorted world view

Thing is, it's the usual media circus clowns doing the bidding of their Woke Folk freak show masters so if you like that sorta stuff, you know what you're getting

Me? Nah! I'm funny that way... I like my news & information less rabidly diseased.
A mind should not be so open that the brains fall out; however, it should not be so closed that whatever gray matter which does reside may not be reached. ART BELL

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