Among the vast sea of endless, rolling sea of BS, I have detected a a few nuggets of positive influencing, that just might turn into some POSITIVE out-comes.
The rolling attacks of the Highly held corrupt College Campuses has been outed, no longer hidden , but for all to see the hidden cess pools of teaching "Hate" and nothing more. The Rich have been made out to be "Fools of Tradition" traditions of Honor, of which definitely Do Not Apply in today's mush. These Campuses, are responsible for turning out the dumbest of haters. Hopefully, there are some who still have some sort of Moral Compass to guide them!
"THE WOKE" the Emotional Wrecks of the day! Low IQs,and dependency to be led, even by insane governments, because they lack the ability to "Reason" out anything for themselves. They are like puppies, that need to be nursed, does not matter what is giving them the "milk"! It takes no brains to hate, for many are incapable of anything else ! They are not even close to being being a complete Human, some will never make it, maybe a few will.? The do NOT posses the capacity to save themselves.
I might think of a few more things, i will post them when I see them.
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Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities': Voltaire
Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities': Voltaire
The New Barbarism
Great post Doka! Good to see positive nuggets amongst all the negative nonsense -
Higher education? More like lowest common denominator. Pay big bucks, have your brains sucked out. All too many colleges are assembly-line sanewashing factories producing Woke zombies programmed for hate. Just what the world needs. NOT!
By design, Wokies need no moral compass to guide them. All they need is hate. It lets them fist shake & rage rather than listen & engage. Emotion mows down facts. It's their way or the highway. It's simple. Efficient. And sadly, all too often, effective.
At the top one-time bastions of advanced learning, civilized thought & free exchange of ideas, prestigious colleges devolved into toxic fetid caldrons of acrimonious Woke - Now students & faculty have been exposed for what they are: "educated" savages.
So beyond the pale are they, repudiation is well-deserved & long overdue. 'Course their MSM barbaric brethren run interference but risk exposure as well: The agitprop goes on & yet the fact is moral compasses haven't gone completely out of style.
Higher education? More like lowest common denominator. Pay big bucks, have your brains sucked out. All too many colleges are assembly-line sanewashing factories producing Woke zombies programmed for hate. Just what the world needs. NOT!
By design, Wokies need no moral compass to guide them. All they need is hate. It lets them fist shake & rage rather than listen & engage. Emotion mows down facts. It's their way or the highway. It's simple. Efficient. And sadly, all too often, effective.
At the top one-time bastions of advanced learning, civilized thought & free exchange of ideas, prestigious colleges devolved into toxic fetid caldrons of acrimonious Woke - Now students & faculty have been exposed for what they are: "educated" savages.
So beyond the pale are they, repudiation is well-deserved & long overdue. 'Course their MSM barbaric brethren run interference but risk exposure as well: The agitprop goes on & yet the fact is moral compasses haven't gone completely out of style.
A mind should not be so open that the brains fall out; however, it should not be so closed that whatever gray matter which does reside may not be reached. ART BELL