Windows Protection

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Windows Protection

Post by Riddick » 02-14-2024 02:57 PM


I like to keep my PCs tidy & free of bloatware. In that effort I try to keep an eye on what's going on in the background. Try being the operative word. Sometimes stuff slips by & I only find out about unauthorized tampering after the fact.

Case in point: the other day I discovered a Windows app I installed & never really used had been updated. No biggie. But as it drew my attention to the fact it was simply taking up space I deleted it. End of story, right? Au contraire, mon frère!

A couple days later, shortly after rebooting, I notice the Start menu announcing an app was "Recently Added", said app being the one I'd deleted. WTF? OK, this is annoying. Did a search and found out this sort of thing is not an isolated occurrence

In addition to deleted apps being re-installed, folks report new apps appearing. Turns out the culprit is Windows Store. Apparently, this sort of behavior is not widespread. But surely there's a way to fix it that doesn't involve going into the guts of the OS?

Well, surprise surprise! Wouldn't you know it: If you want to lower the risks involved, there's a solution that will assure you never have to be bothered by it again. And it's so damn simple! Blow Windows Store away. So I did - Problem solved? Time will tell...


GRRR. Viruses, spybots & malware? It's been ages since I had any issues with them. What I really need is protection from MS. Save me from unwanted Windows installs!!

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More Monkey Business

Post by Riddick » 02-15-2024 12:43 PM

I see the pics in my OP were "disappeared" from the hosting service. Isn't it nice how they run interference for MS? Partners in crime!

Here's the offending images. Let's see if this host isn't so sensitive



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