Deserving Of Dignity

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Deserving Of Dignity

Post by Riddick » 12-26-2024 01:07 PM

How does a man end up in a women's prison in CA? Thanks to the Democrat state legislature passing "The Transgender Respect, Agency & Dignity Act" three years ago, all it takes is for a man to declare himself a woman. What happens when this law gets put into effect in prisons? Pretty much what you'd expect.

Tremaine Carroll impregnated one fellow inmate after declaring himself a woman and then allegedly raped two other female inmates in prison. He faces trial now for those sexual assaults, but the Madera County judge ruled everyone has to use Carroll's preferred "she/her" pronouns -- including his victims.

Why? Because, the judge explained, Carroll "deserves dignity." Uh-huh. First off, this is legally incoherent, as now we have prosecutors who have to overcome arbitrary language barriers to argue what takes place in rape. As DA Sally Moreno explains, "In California, rape is a crime that has to be accomplished by a man."

It confuses the jurors and humiliates the victims, but at least the alleged rapist gets to have "dignity" by having everyone cooperate in his delusions. And that assumes that Carroll made his declaration in good faith, not as a means to target vulnerable women in state custody for serial sexual assaults. Got it.

Forget dignity, and maybe even put off justice for a moment; where in this system is truth? This court, and this state, wants to produce an environment of laughable falsity and warp biological reality to avoid truth or justice in order to participate in a psychological fad for the clicks. It's almost definitionally insane.

There's a price to pay for that embrace of delusion, and it's high time Dems start paying it. Voters in CA may not meaningfully rebel against their radical and insane policies and the outcomes those produce for a while, but voters in the rest of the country can certainly take note. And perhaps they already have.

A mind should not be so open that the brains fall out; however, it should not be so closed that whatever gray matter which does reside may not be reached. ART BELL

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